Searah Coworking Space

Ruang Perpustakaan Sigit Pamungkas dari Jendela.JPG
Special terms

A place to meet and work with people of one heart and soul to change the world.

Space + Community = Innovation

We invite you to collaborate with progressive people who are connected in the “Searah Collective” community, a community unit that cares about social change and innovation in the surrounding and global environment.

Come, we welcome your vision to realize together.

Let’s Cowork Together!

Ruang Perpustakaan Sigit Pamungkas dari Jendela.JPG 6 years ago
Gedung Searah Coworking Space Tampak Depan.JPG 6 years ago
Ruang Pertemuan - Tjokroaminoto pintu masuk.JPG 6 years ago
Jendela Kaca.JPG 6 years ago
Ruang Sendiri Sugeng Riyadi Pintu Masuk.JPG 6 years ago
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