
Copia de Sector Amarillo (primer piso) - VC.jpg
501 Loyola Buenos Aires Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1414 AR
Special terms

Enjoy the Working Moments at each of the venues!
MediaLunes: We give another taste to the beginning of the week with croissants for the community.
Healthy Breakfast: We share the most important meal of the day with a great buffet, keto options and no TACC. ¡ Schedule your favorite Wednesday of the month!
Coffee area: Take a break and enjoy a coffee with snacks
Fruits: Choose your favorite fruit every day to gain energy.
After Office: We say goodbye to the week in community. Fernet or Beer? Join in community and share the closing of Thursday or Friday (depending on your location).

Copia de Sector Amarillo (primer piso) - VC.jpg 6 days ago
Sala 2 - VC (ángulo invertido).jpg 6 days ago
MQCO-Hollywood7.JPG 6 days ago
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WhatsApp Image 2024-11-08 at 4.10.13 PM.jpeg 6 days ago
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